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How to Improve Your Balance

As we age, our balance tends to decline. This can make it more difficult to do everyday activities, such as walking, getting up from a chair, and climbing stairs. Exercise can help to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Standing exercises: These exercises focus on maintaining balance while standing still. They can include activities such as:

  • Single-leg stance: Stand on one leg while keeping the other leg bent or lifted off the ground. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch legs.
  • Tandem stance: Stand with one foot directly in front of the other, heel to toe. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch feet.
  • Flamingo stand: Stand on one leg and lift the opposite leg off the ground, bending it at the knee. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch legs.

Dynamic balance exercises: These exercises involve movement while maintaining balance. They can include:

  • Walking heel-to-toe: Take small steps, placing the heel of one foot directly in front of the toe of the other foot.
  • Sideways walking: Take small steps to the side while maintaining a stable posture.
  • Grapevine steps: Step to the side, crossing one foot behind the other, then step to the side again, crossing the other foot in front.
  • Standing leg swings: Stand on one leg and swing the opposite leg forward and backward in a controlled manner.

Balance exercises with equipment: Various equipment can be used to challenge and enhance balance exercises, such as:

  • Balance boards or wobble boards: These boards have an unstable surface, forcing the body to engage core muscles and maintain balance.
  • Bosu balls: Bosu balls are inflatable half-domes that can be used for exercises like standing on one leg or performing squats while balancing on the rounded side.
  • Stability balls: Sitting or kneeling on a stability ball can help improve balance and core strength.
  • Resistance bands: Using resistance bands while performing balance exercises adds an additional challenge.

When performing balance exercises, it's important to ensure safety. Consider the following tips:

  • Have a stable support nearby, such as a wall or chair, for added support if you need it.
  • Start with easier exercises and progress the difficulty gradually as your balance improves.
  • Focus on maintaining good posture, stand up stall, and keeping a steady ahead (not down at your feet).
  • Practise in a safe and uncluttered environment to minimise the risk of falls or injuries.

Improving your Balance and strength: A Key to Falls Prevention and Osteoporosis Management.

Incorporating balance exercises into your fitness routine not only improves stability and coordination but also plays a vital role in preventing falls and managing osteoporosis. Balance exercises offer numerous benefits that go beyond mere physical fitness. Let’s explore the advantages of balance exercises and understand how they can help prevent falls and assist in managing osteoporosis. 


Balance exercises offer a multitude of benefits, including fall prevention and assisting with the management of osteoporosis. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can improve stability, coordination, bone health, flexibility, and body awareness. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or Exercise Physiologist to tailor a balance exercise program that suits your individual needs and abilities.

Invest in your wellbeing and take the first step towards a more balanced life. Join our exercise physiology program at REPS Movement and unlock the benefits of targeted balance exercises. Our dedicated team will guide you through a comprehensive training regimen tailored to your individual needs and goals.